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All articles tagged with "Choke"

Mistress Anna was pissed at this girl because she tried to give her the silent treatment. She could not take it and she felt that the girl had manipulative behaviors that were not going to be condoned. That is why she chose to choke her with her hands an she also humiliated her at the same time. It worked as she learned her lesson the hard way and never did it again.

This mistress wanted to test her strength and her skills against her instructor so she asked for a wrestling match between them. He did not take it serious for two reasons. She was a girl and she was his student. So he felt that she could not beat him. He regretted that as she used her skills to pin him down, choke him with a vice like grip which he could not break free of. He had to beg for her to let go.

Lisa L. is mean to her slave when she dominates him. She has a hard session with him where she starts choking him. He is already having a hard time breathing and she covers his mouth and nose with her hand. He can't get a breath and her arm squeezes his neck harder and harder. If this extreme domination keeps up, he's going to pass out. Lisa doesn't care because she's cruel.

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